
My dream room (Englisch, ab Klasse 5)

My dream room (Englisch, ab Klasse 5)

Wie sieht dein Traumzimmer in einem Schuhkarton aus?

Ab Klasse 5 arbeiten wir in Englisch an Projekten, die Lust machen, darüber auf Englisch zu sprechen. Eines davon ist – in Kooperation mit dem Fach Kunst – der dream room. Unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler bauen in einem Schuhkarton ihr Traumzimmer und beschreiben und präsentieren ihn in Englisch.

Welcher Text passt zu welchem Bild der 5a?

My dream room 5a


I want to tell you about my dream room. In my dream room there is a loft bed. The loft bed is on the left side of the wall. Under the loft bed is a hammock. The hammock is blue and cozy. There is an orange table on the wall. On my table is a cooler computer. The computer is black. Sometimes I play computer games with it. Next to the computer is a plant. The plant is small, nice and green. In my dream room there is an armchair. The armchair is purple-blue and soft. I often sit in my armchair. There is a Tree in my room. The tree is over my aquarium. I also have got a big aquarium in my room. There are many fish in my aquarium. In my room is on the floor a carpet. The carpet is spotted. In my room are two windows. A window is under the bed and another window is right next to the computer. I have also a rope in my dream room. Then I can climb with the rope. I have got another table left next to the aquarium. Right next to the other table is another plant. 


I want to tell you about my dream room. I will start with my loft bed. My loft bed is on the left side of my room. I usually sleep on my bed at night. Over my bed there is a picture. In front of my bed there is a small table. On the table there is a lamp and a book. In front of the table there is a small plant. Next to the bed there is a swing. I often swing of my swing. My swing is fantastic! Behind it there is a window, so I can look out the window while I swing. My walls are colourful. It is beautiful. In front of my swing there is a dog basket. On the wall there is a mirror. In the dog basket lives my dog Struppi, it is a funny dog. I often play with Struppi. In front of the dog basket there is a desk and a chair. I have got a laptop on my desk. I usually do my homework on my desk. On my laptop I often play Computer games. I have got a big and beautiful plant in front of my desk. Next to my desk and my plant there is a sofa. I chill sometimes on my sofa at weekend. I have got a sofa table in front of my sofa. On the sofa table there is a TV. I sometimes watch fantasy movies on my TV. In the middle of the room I have got a colourful carpet.

Welcher Text passt zu welchem Bild der 5b?

My dream room 5b


Hello my name is Vito. I want to present my dream room to you. The name of my dream room is ViLuFly (Vito Lucas Fly). My dream room has a big TV on the wall. My dream room has three couches and two big sound boxes. There are two fire lamps next to the TV. When the cinema starts the fire lamps turn on.  The walls of my dream room are red and black. I play video games on the big TV or watch TV. I sleep on the couches. I love my dream room because I can have parties with my friends and I can chill out in my dream room. My dream room is a cinema.


Let me introduce my dream room. This room is rather big and there is one window. When you come into the room the first thing you see is the bed, it’s the biggest thing in the room. There is much space in it and you can do what you want in that space (sing, do yoga). You can also place something new there. On the bed there are four pillows and one blanket. In my room there is a special light, it doesn’t look like a light. Besides the lights there are fairy lights. A mirror and a desk with a computer are in my room, too. I love my room because there is a lot of space to dance.

Welcher Text passt zu welchem Bild der 5c?

My dream room 5c


I want to describe my dream room to you.

The name of my dream room is the animal plant room. I have got a green wall. There is a loft bed on the right side and in the middle I have got a hanging chair. I usually relax in it because it is so comfortable and I can swing in it, too. Under my hanging chair there is a black carpet and next to it there is my cool skateboard. I sometimes skateboard in my dream room. There are many plants and six posters in my room, three show my cats and two Alessia and me.

And in the middle of my dream room I have got a poster of St. Pauli because I love St. Pauli, I´m a very big St. Pauli fan. On the right side there is a table. On the left side there is a scratch tree for my cats. I have got four cats and one sloth. Sometimes I do yoga with my sloth. And sometimes I climb on the scratch tree with my cats. There is a sofa on the left side of my room. And next to the sofa I have got a basket for my animals.

That is my dream room, it is my dream room because I love the colour green, I love the animals and the plants.


I’m going to present my dream room to you

My dream room is not very big. It has the shape of a rectangle and it measures 3×5 meters. The four walls of the room are painted in purple, pink, red, blue and turquoise. The room’s fluffy carpet has the same colours as the walls. A big curtain divides the room into two parts. The room does not have any windows. I have got a fluffy bed corner in the room. There I can chill and read. I have got a big TV. I have also got a hammock with a very fleecy blanket and a cushion. There is a small couch with silver fabric in the corner. I have got a bookshelf next to the bed. On the shelf there are many books. I have got a hanging lamp in blue and fairy lights on the ceiling. The lamp has got a lot of glitter. There also is a mini swimming pool. There is purple water in the pool. I often watch TV on my very big TV. In my room I always sleep in my fury bed. 

My room is amazing and pretty fantastic. My room has got cool colours and crazy furniture. My room is very very colourful and very important to me. I think this room is very versatile and not everyone might like it.

I like my dream room! I hope you do, too.


Maya Nägler

in Elternzeit, Fachleitung Latein


Fächer: Deutsch, Englisch, Latein, Gesellschaftswissenschaften